Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Dalton's atomic theory

ATOMIC THEORY In 1804, John Dalton proposed the existence of atoms. He not only postulated that atoms exist, as had ancient Greek philosophers, but he also attributed to the atom certain properties. His postulates were as follows: 1. Elements are composed of indivisible particles, called atoms. 2. All atoms of a given element have the same mass, and the mass of an atom of a given element is different from the mass of an atom of any other element. 3. When elements combine to form a given compound, the atoms of one element combine with those of the other element(s) in a definite ratio to form molecules. Atoms are not destroyed in this process. 4. Atoms of two or more elements may combine in different ratios to form different compounds. 5. The most common ratio of atoms is 1:1, and where more than one compound of two or more elements exists, the most stable is the one with 1:1 ratio of atoms. (This postulate is incorrect.) Dalton’s postulates stimulated great activity among chemists, who sought to prove or disprove them. The fifth postulate was very quickly shown to be incorrect, and the first three have had to be modified in light of later knowledge; however, the first four postulates were close enough to the truth to lay the foundations for a basic understanding of mass relationships in chemical compounds and chemical reactions. Dalton’s postulates can be used to explain three quantitative laws that had been developed shortly before he proposed his theory. Dalton argued that these laws are entirely reasonable if the elements are composed of atoms. For example, the reason that mass is neither gained nor lost in a chemical reaction is that the atoms in the reaction merely change partners with one another; they do not appear or disappear. The definite proportions of compounds stem from the fact that the compounds comprise a definite ratio of atoms (postulate 3), each with a definite mass (postulate 2). The law of multiple proportions is due to the fact that different numbers of atoms of one element can react with a given number of atoms of a second element (postulate 4), and since atoms must combine in whole-number ratios, the ratio of masses must also be in whole numbers.